iCaption 2.0.0 Released

The new major version bump to iCaption 2.0 is warranted, because this update is huge! I have taken into consideration the helpful input from customers, and have applied these ideas into a tangible, intuitive user experience. The main focus of this release is the new and powerful timeline editing which increases your workflow productivity, with a secondary focus on previewing, and tertiary improvements for an altogether better subtitle editing environment. Continue reading for the full feature list:

  • Subtitle editing improvements, made possible by a new timeline view, which features the following:
    • All subtitles are visualized in the timeline view.
    • Selected subtitles will visualize overlapping to neighboring subtitles, in addition to the non-selected subtitles with overlapping times shown in red in the table view.
    • Draggable start and end markers, which are used to add new subtitles or apply to existing subtitle start and end times.
    • Markers can be moved individually, or panned together across the timeline.
    • Show start and end marker position in real time while dragging.
    • Scrub through the reference video by dragging the markers.
    • Markers can also be nudged in either direction by a quarter of a second at a time.
    • Zoom in and out of the timeline, changing the current scope of your view of the timeline.
    • Panning the current scope relative to the timeline as a whole.
    • Display of the scope start and the scope end times.
    • Timeline panning and zooming are done with left mouse drag and right mouse drag respectively, complete with Shift and Control key modifiers to make it go faster or slower.
    • Transferring times from the video position itself is no longer the workflow, but is still supported. (Since markers also do video scrubbing, transferring from marker position has the same effect)
  • Subtitle previewing improvements:
    • The preview is now layered right into the video view, rather than the hacky looking floating window. This also means that for now you can no longer detach the preview and move it around yourself.
    • With certain file types the QTMovieLayer appears to have much smoother video scaling than previously.
    • The preview font is much larger and has a black shadow under it.
    • The preview timing is accurate to 250ms now instead of 300ms.
  • Added the ability to play a selected video segment in a loop.
  • All human readable times shown in the application are now easier to read (dropped the QuickTime formatting).
  • Added a more prominent Help button on the toolbar.
  • Main menu and toolbar updates.
  • Updated the documentation.
  • Updated the application icon.
